COVID-19 Update
The Covid-19 restrictions and redeployment of clinicians in emergency services has led to some of our courses being suspended or postponed. Currently only the course essential for emergency practitioners and virtual exams are going ahead as scheduled. We will try and accommodate for as many applicants as possible in due course via online and video recorded learning materials.
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Radiology ST1 Interview Preparation Course – 12 February 2022

Orientation to the National Health Service course

Cardiology ST3 Interview Preparation Course

Medical CV and Portfolio

“I found the NHS orientation course very useful as most of the aspect covered in there were not familiar to me like on call duties and night on calls”
Dillip Patek -
“I am a gastroenterology registrar and attended the ST3 interview preparation course last year, the clinical questions were exactly what I practiced during the course and helped me greatly during my interview”
David Finley -
“The question bank for MSRA had questions that were very similar to the real exam. It covered all of the professional dilemma scenarios that came up in the exam”
Huda Abdullah -
“The feedback I gained during my mock interview at the cardiology ST3 interview preparation course was very useful. I was given excellent tips on answering question and on my portfolio to gain maximum points”
Jeffrey Chambers -